GameGuru – a fun, non-technical game maker – is FREE for a limited time!
Find out how to get it FREE… and SHARE this news with your friends!

Game Guru Download Free Pc
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- Distribute your games royalty free; Choosing Your Game Engine GameGuru is not designed to compete with professional development tools such as Unity, Unreal and Cry-engine which are ideally suited to producing commercial apps and games. GameGuru is a recreational game maker, not a professional tool, and is still very much in development.
- Download GameGuru. Create your own adventures and maps without having to write code in this free download.
- Respawn’s free-to-play shooter Apex Legends is all set to get cross-play support next week, albeit in beta form.
Unblocked Games Guru has one of the most extensive lists unblocked games online you can find on the interwebs. Google Unblocked Games You may play on so many games sites, almost gave up looking for one that had all the games you wanted to play in the same place. GameGuru Free Trial Version Always dreamed of making a game but don’t know how to programme or code? Now you can create, play and share fun games on your PC with no coding knowledge! We have created a free trial version for you to try before you buy and included 4GB of game assets so you can try your hand at creating your own 3D game.
GameGuru is a fun, non-technical game maker that allows you to build your own game world using its built-in tools.
You can populate your game with characters, weapons and other items, press a single button to build your game, and you are ready to play and share your game!
When you first launch GameGuru, it may appear to be a simple level editor, but it’s actually crammed with lots of tools you will need to make your own game, including :
- a character creator,
- a model importer,
- a building maker,
- complete scripting language, and
- over 6GB of complimentary game assets to get you started!
GameGuru promises to be as easy as any other in-game level editor. But unlike game level editors, you get to save the game you created and even sell it!
GameGuru Is FREE For A Limited Time!
Follow these steps to get GameGuru for FREE. Just make sure you claim it by 10 AM (GMT+8) on 7 September 2020!
- Log into your existing Steam account, or create a new account.
- Go to the GameGuru Steam page.
- Click on the Add to Account button to add it to your Steam account.
You can choose to install it now, or postpone the installation.
Game Guru Free Download For Pc
That’s it! It is now added to your Steam account, and you can download and install it anytime after this.
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Game Guru Download
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