What Is A Slot
  1. What Is A Slot Fish
  2. What Is A Slot Receiver

A slot may refer to any of the following:

A PCI slot is a built-in slot on a device that allows for the attachment of various hardware components such as network cards, modems, sound cards, disk controllers and other peripherals. It was often a component of traditional do-it-yourself (DIY) desktop computer design. A slot car or slotcar is a powered miniature auto or other vehicle that is guided by a groove or slot in the track on which it runs. A pin or blade extends from the bottom of the car into the slot. Though some slot cars are used to model highway traffic on scenic layouts, the great majority are used in the competitive hobby of slot car racing or slot racing. A narrow opening; a groove or slit: a slot for coins in a vending machine; a mail slot. A gap between a main and auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing. An assigned place in a sequence or schedule: a new time slot for a TV program. A slot receiver is a receiver who lines up in the slot position, between the offensive tackle and the widest receiver. This player is often fast and is in position to catch the football or take a hand off. The slot corner will cover the slot receiver. This position is often smaller, quick, and can cover the opposing slot receiver. Slot definition, a narrow, elongated depression, groove, notch, slit, or aperture, especially a narrow opening for receiving or admitting something, as a coin or a letter.

1. When referring to an SD or other memory cards, a slot is the hole the card is placed into. See our card reader term for further information.

2. A slot is an opening for a CD-ROM, DVD, and other disc drive that does not use a tray. See our slot load disc drive definition for further information.

3. A slot is a computer processor connection designed to make upgrading the processor easier, where the user would only have to slide a processor into a slot. The original slot, or Slot 1 (pictured below), was first released by the Intel Corporation in 1997 as a successor to the Socket 8. Later, AMD released another slot processor known as the Slot A in 1999. Both slots look similar but are not compatible. Later, Intel released the Slot 2, which was a bigger slot used with the later versions of the Pentium II processors. Today, slot processors are no longer found in new computers and are replaced by sockets.

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4. A slot is another name for an expansion slot such as an ISA, PCI, AGP slot, or memory slots. See the motherboard definition for a visual example of all of these slots.

Bank, CPU terms, Memory terms, Motherboard terms

What's a slot?

A frame has associated with it a set of own slots, and each ownslot of a frame has associated with it a set of entities called slot values. Formally, a slot is a binary relation, and each value Vof an own slot S of a frame F represents the assertion that the relationS holds for the entity represented by F and the entity represented by V(i.e., (S F V)). For example,the assertion that Fred's favorite foods are potato chips and ice creamcould be represented by the own slot Favorite-Food of the frame Fred having as values the frame Potato-Chips and the string ``ice cream'.

What Is A Slot Fish

Relations may optionally be entities in the domain of discourse andtherefore representable by frames. Thus, a slot or a facet may berepresented by a frame. Such a frame describes the properties of therelation represented by the slot or facet. A frame representing a slotis called a slot frame, and a frame representing a facet is calleda facet frame.

A class frame has associated with it a collection of templateslots that describe own slot values considered to hold for eachinstance of the class represented by the frame. The values oftemplate slots are said to inherit to the subclasses and to theinstances of a class. Formally, each value V of a template slot S ofa class frame C represents the assertion that the relation template-slot-value holds for the relation S, the class representedby C, and the entity represented by V (i.e., (template-slot-valueS C V)). That assertion, in turn, implies that the relation S holdsbetween each instance I of class C and value V (i.e., (S I V)).It also implies that the relation template-slot-value holds forthe relation S, each subclass Csub of class C, and the entityrepresented by V (i.e., (template-slot-value S Csub V)). Thatis, the following slot value inheritance axiom holds for the relation template-slot-value:Thus, the values of a template slot are inherited to subclasses asvalues of the same template slot and to instances as values of thecorresponding own slot. For example, the assertion that the gender ofall female persons is female could be represented by template slot Gender of class frame Female-Person having the value Female. Then, if we created an instance of Female-Person called Mary, Female would be a value of the own slot Genderof Mary.

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